Do you know how they hacked your account? Part one: Downloading the infection


A cyber-attack is classified as any type of offensive action used by cyber criminals to deploy malicious code in your system with the purpose of stealing, altering, destroying, or taking any advantage of this action.
Cyber-attacks can target both people and thingsANYWHEREANYTIME.  Individual users, computer networks, information systems, IT infrastructure of all types and sizes – no one is safe!
And smarter cyber criminals launch stronger attacks, which lead to worse consequences.
So what are the types of attacks that you may face?
In this article we will spot the light on two main causes:

  1. Drive-by download   
    A drive-by download can refer to 2 things:
  • A download which you authorized but without understanding the consequences (example: downloads which install an unknown or counterfeit executable program, ActiveX component, or Java applet).
  • The unintentional download of a virus or malicious software (malware) onto your computer or mobile device.

Drive-by downloads can happen when you visit a website when reading an email or by clicking on a deceptive pop-up window.
These types of malicious downloads usually take advantage of (or “exploit”) a browser, an app, or an operating system that is out of date and has a security flaw that has not been solved or patched.
This is why it’s crucial to constantly maintain your software updated.

    1. Spyware Software

Spyware is a type of software that seeks to gather your personal information, without your permission. It has the capability to take over your computer entirely! The information it collects is then sent to a third party without your consent.
There 4 main different types of spyware:

  • system monitors,
  • Trojans,
  • adware,
  • and tracking cookies.

Spyware is mainly used for tracking a user’s movements online and serving annoying and dangerous pop-up ads.
Your system can get infected with spyware if you visit certain websites, by pop-up messages that ask you to download an application or program (told you they’re evil!), through security holes in the browser or in other software, etc.
Usually, spyware is well hidden and it’s also difficult to observe. You might notice a spyware infection when the virus starts using your system’s resources and slows it down in a way that’ll make you really, really angry.

Deeksha is a seasoned cybersecurity expert, dedicated to defending the digital domain from cyber threats. With a strong grasp of technology's dual-edged nature, she excels in threat detection, risk mitigation, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Her proactive approach and unwavering commitment make her a reliable guardian in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Enterprise Security And Intelligence | TIKAJ

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