Anti Phishing Services - Detection and Takedown

Anti Phishing Services detects phishing threats as they surface and initiates phishing website takedowns to shut them down before any damage can be done.

Anti phishing services
Anti-phishing takedown service

What is Anti-Phishing Service?

An Anti-Phishing Service is a dedicated cybersecurity measure developed to identify, thwart, and neutralize phishing attempts. At its core, the service aims to protect both businesses and individuals from being deceived by fraudulent digital channels that mimic legitimate entities.

Anti Phishing Service monitor different sources for phishing threats that impersonate your brand  and damage brand reputation. We disrupt them by removing such content including phishing websites, mobile application and phishing pages.

Stop targeted phishing attacks. Protect your customers, brand & domain.

Each year brands loose millions in reputation damage through phishing & fraud attempts

Protect your customers and brands by DETECTING AND removing threat vectors like Look-alike Brand, Offers & Vouchers scams

Why you need TIKAJ Anti-Phishing Services?

Secure your online world with TIKAJ’s Anti-Phishing services. We use smart methods to spot potential phishing attacks and keep an eye on the latest tricks cyber attackers might use. Our services protect you from sneaky tactics like typosquatting and make sure the servers you connect to are safe. You’ll get instant alerts if we detect anything fishy and always stay informed with our regular security updates. If you ever suspect something, you can report it to us, and we’ll investigate and fix it. With TIKAJ, your online safety is in good hands!

Benefits of TIKAJ's Anti-phishing Services

  • Identifying possible phishing attacks using several methods (Phishing Feed, Referrer Logs, etc.).
  • Changes and upgrades to current phishing attacks will be tracked.
  • Protection against typosquatting attacks and secure server certifications.
  • Notification as malicious activity is detected or when there are significant updates to phishing incidents being tracked.
  • An up-to-date Security Advisory.
  • Potential incidents can be reported to us for investigation and resolution.

of IT security breaches are the direct result of some form of phishing

(Source : Verizon)


TIKAJ employs technology powered by AI and Machine Learning to identify and halt phishing, fraud campaigns, and malware-based attacks in their tracks. Quickly recognizing phishing links, sites, and posts across email, social media, and malicious domains, TIKAJ works on your behalf to not only stop phishing scams but also dismantle the infrastructure that facilitates them. It is also offered as takedown service.


Detection & Monitoring

Our anti phishing service monitors the internet for new phishing attempts and then alert you while taking preventive actions. We keep an eye out for Look-Alike Domains, Rogue Apps, the Dark Web, the Deep Web, Phishing Feeds, Code Pastes, DMARC, and a variety of other threats.

Defence and monitoring
Analysis and intelligence improvement

Analysis and Threat Intelligence

Using internal treat engine we analyse threat for correlation, collect intel regarding hosting, possible contact points, nameservers, domain registrars and screenshots.This intel allow us to take prompt actions on detected threats.


Automated Phishing Takedown

When we get a report of phishing content, We immediately begin the takedown process using our AI Argumented system. In edge cases, Our SOC team meticulously examines phishing website, identifies all potential parties, and makes every effort to get in touch with them. Thanks to our many years of experience in the field, we have reporting methods for the quick removal of these dangerous sites.

Prompt takedown


Frequently Asked Questions

There are No Stupid Questions, Ask Away, We’re All Ears

What is Anti-Phishing Monitoring Service ?
Anti-Phishing Monitoring is detecting phishing threats that are being circulated in wild but they don’t take any action to disrupt their operation.Usually such services are limited by sources like phishing feeds and user supplied data.
How you detect phishing threats ?
Our anti phishing solutions provide us automated feed that includes live alerts as it searches the internet for the scope. This is made possible via our actively monitoring approach towards Content and Non Content based alias. Actively automated monitoring gives us a chance to take down the campaign before even it started.We have more than 30+ Sources and approaches to detect phishing treats before they can impact your customers.
How does anti-phishing technology work?
TIKAJ deploys AI and Machine Learning to detect and terminate phishing, cyber frauds, and malware-based attacks. It works by recognizing phishing links, websites, email content, social media, malicious domains, etc.
What is your anti phishing service SLA ?
Active monitoring without quick takedown is a loose thread. We focus on achieving the SLA along with reducing the damage and its impact. The takedown SLA vary based on plan taken and type of threats your encounter.
What if phishing websites are in offshore or non-compliant hosting ?
We also perform recon on high impact threats, sometimes we are able to compromise the hosted website and are able to take offensive measures. Incases where vulnerabilities are not discovered, we execute data dilution bots.
What is the best anti-phishing software?
There are several anti phishing service available in the market. The effectiveness of each anti-phising service vary depending on the specific features, technology used, and use cases. Best anti phishing software are, for example:
  1. TIKAJ’s – Anti-Phising Service, Detection, and Takedown.
  2. Bitdefender Total Security
  3. Norton 360
  4. McAfee Total Protection
  5. Avast Premium Security
What are the 4 ways to avoid phishing?

Phishing is commonly used by cybercriminals to steal sensitive data. To protect your organisation from falling for phishing attacks, here are four ways to protect yourself:

  1. Phishgrid Phishing Simulation: Train your employees to detect phishing attacks and report them.
  2. Use two-factor authentication
  3. Keep your software up-to-date
  4. Be cautious of suspicious emails
Does anti-phishing software work?
Anti-phishing service can be highly effective in detecting and blocking phishing attacks. Anti-phishing software uses a variety of techniques to detect phishing attempts, such as analysing website URLs, checking email sender information, and using behavioral analysis to detect suspicion. However, cybercriminals are always evolving and finding new ways to bypass detection. That being said, using anti-phishing software can significantly reduce your cyber risk. Please note that anti-phishing software must be used in combination with security measures, such as: anti-phishing simulations, strong passwords, keeping your software up-to-date, and being cautious of suspicious emails.
What is anti-phishing?
Anti-phishing refers to the measures taken to prevent and protect against phishing attacks. Anti-phishing services are designed to prevent cyber attacks and provide protection against their consequences. It includes anti phishing app solutions that detect and block phishing attempts, simulation programs to help people recognise and avoid attacks, and best practices for securing information and protecting against data theft.

Learn how we can safeguard your business, preventing breaches, eradicating fraud, and defending your brand's integrity.

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