كيفيه الحماية من هجمات التصيد الاحتيالي ؟

وقد زادت هجمات التصيد الاحتيالي علي مر السنتين إلى حد ان الإحصاءات المتعلقة بهذه المسالة تبعث علي القلق تماما. وتشير التقديرات الآن إلى ان أكثر من 1 في المائة من جميع رسائل البريد الكتروني المرسلة في انحاء العالم هي هجمات تصيد ، في حين ان 4 في المائة من رسائل البريد الكتروني التي تحمل علامة تجاريه هي محاولا
ت تصيد. في السنوات الخمس الماضية أكثر من $12,000,000,000 في الاضرار المرتبطة بالبريد الكتروني الخداع الحيل. تحاول المؤسسات أساليب مختلفه لتجنب هذه الحيل. لا يوجد للقيام البرنامج التعليمي علي هذا النحو لخطر التصيد تماما من البيئة الخاصة بك ، وبدلا من ذلك ينبغي ان يبني سياسة حماية التصيد الاحتيالي للقضاء علي هذا الجانب الخطير من الإنترنت الحديثة.

تلميحات لتجنب التصيد الاحتيالي

هذه هي العديد من النصائح التي مستوحاه من Phishing.org لتجنب الحيل التصيد:

u003cstrongu003eBe Vigilantu003c/strongu003e

When dealing with phishing attacks the key is simply to be sensible and vigilant at all times. You cannot afford to let your arsenal down, regardless of whether you’re using email or web surfing.u003cbr/u003eNever click on the links, download files, or open any email attachments without confirming their authenticity. Be aware that legitimate organizations have strict policies and will never request sensitive information via email.

u003cstrongu003eTrain Employeesu003c/strongu003e

Any organization is only as strong as its weakest employee, so it is necessary to train and educate staff regarding phishing. This training really needs to be delivered on an ongoing basis as well, and they should be educated with different methods for maximum reach.u003cbr/u003eUse Phishing Simulation service like u003ca href=u0022https://www.tikaj.com/solutions/phishgridu0022u003ePhishGridu003c/au003e to train and educate users regarding phishing attacks and attempts.

u003cstrongu003eAvoid Shortened Linksu003c/strongu003e

Everyone has seen great offers/links on different social media platforms and some of them are useful. Avoid these type of links unless you’re sure about its authenticity.

u003cstrongu003ePhishing Techniquesu003c/strongu003e

Attackers use different phishing techniques to target their victims. Their is a sense of urgency and something that needs to be done with the utmost priority.

u003cstrongu003eUse Secure Browsingu003c/strongu003e

By using a secure website, indicated by https:// and a security ‘lock’, you will massively reduce the chances that you can be subjected to phishing attacks.

u003cstrongu003eVerify Site Securityu003c/strongu003e

Whenever you’re entering sensitive financial information, or any form of private data, it is essential to verify the security of the site to which you are submitting it.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eChecking the security certificate of the site can often be an excellent way of establishing whether a particular website contains malicious files.

u003cstrongu003eUpdate Your Browseru003c/strongu003e

Attackers take advantage of exploits in commonly used applications and services. Weaknesses in web browsers are in particular is a great way for online phishing.It is utmost important to update your browser regularly on a regular basis.

u003cstrongu003eUse Anti Phishing Solutionsu003c/strongu003e

TIKAJ provides an end-to end u003ca href=u0022https://www.tikaj.com/services/anti-phishingu0022u003eAnti-Phishing Solutionsu003c/au003e, from monitoring u0026amp; detection of phishing incidents, through to the site take-down incident response and take-down of an incident. Using inhouse developed machine learning algorithms we detect, analyze and proactively dismantle the systems and illicit services cybercriminals depend upon to carry out phishing attacks.

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