Make anti-phishing solutions ride shotgun in your company’s modus operandi

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A person is always very particular and vigilant when it comes to his or her close one’s secrets. They try to protect it while keeping their lives on stake. This is because they understand the sensitivity and tenderness of the secret and the chaos it can create if they beans get spilled. The same situation works for a company as well. The business owner or the core workers know they sweat and blood they had to invest to make they the company stand at the position it stands today. Therefore, it becomes their utmost priority to safeguard not only the company’s sensitive data but also the reputation and trust the employees and customers lay in it.

The company holds a lot of important matters with it which includes the data, finance, intellectual and intangible property. The security of these elements is as important as the assets itself. When these elements get into the hands of attackers, it can land the company into problems with irreversible consequences. Therefore along with proper awareness among the employers and employees, effective solutions are equally vital. With the advancement of technology and a detailed analysis of the pattern of the attacks by phishers, a number of solutions are now available which can help the company in the long run.

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Need for anti-phishing solutions

The need for any solution or service can be best understood by the urgency of its use. Starting with the statistics, in 2018 alone around 880 million phishing e-mails and messages were detected around the globe.


Phishing e-mails disguise themselves as if they are from familiar websites or companies. The e-mails are usually sent in bulk which is a time and cost-efficient method of catching prey. They add attachments or links which contain malware and ransomware making them very dangerous even if a victim clicks on it. Although the phishers have now specialized and upgraded their game, where they attack their victims by creating personalized e-mails for them, which increases the success rate of them falling for it.

The scariest and worrisome part of a phishing attack is that if the attacker gets access to your data, it will months before you could even detect the breach. Even after you detect the breach, it will take you months to contain and get back on its feet to control the damage. This gives the phishers straight-eight months of a headstart to continue with their malicious venture. These reasons add up as to why every company is under the radar of the phishers and how important are these anti-phishing solutions.

How do anti-phishing solutions work?

  • Scans the incoming e-mails- The most important feature of an anti-phishing solution is to scan the e-mails. This is because most phishers make their way into your device through the malicious e-mails they send you. When you click these links or attachments the malware infects your device. However, when you install anti-phishing solutions to your system, the software intercepts the e-mails and lets you know whether or not the e-mail is safe to go ahead with.
  • Processes smart quarantine- You might be wondering what if your important e-mails are marked as spam or get blocked and never reaches you. However, the anti-phishing solutions provide you with smart quarantine which means it will never mess up with your important e-mails or mark it as junk.
  • Real-time blocking of malicious URLs and links- No matter how aware or experience you are with surfing the internet, one misclick is enough to infect your whole network. Therefore, installing a proper anti-phishing solution will stop you in the first place from loading into malicious webpages or clicking on the links. So now you can safely surf the internet and without worrying about malicious webpages or links.
  • Protects all the devices other than a computer- While a number of excellent solutions are available for protecting your computer; there is a lack of cybersecurity options for your mobile phones. As more and more people prefer using their phones for carrying out most of their activities, having proper security options for your phone is equally important. Anti-phishing solutions come as a good tiding as it includes multiple software for protection of your mobile phone and similar devices as well.
  • Prevention from spoofing- If your website earns a lot of traffic or is gaining popularity, you may be a possible target of phishers. They spoof your website and misuse it under your name. Phishers these days also use a number of spoofing e-mails that you might receive. In such cases, anti-phishing solutions sniff out any incoming spoofed e-mail or help in detecting spoofed websites; decreasing truckload of the responsibility off you.

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Some final thoughts

It is an important step for all companies to educate and create awareness among the employer and employees regarding the prevalence of phishing attacks and all the possible techniques used by them to phish their victims. It is equally important for them to provide insights as to how these attacks can affect the company in multiple ways. Having said that, the implementation of only security awareness training is not enough for providing all-round security for the company. Every company must install software which can ensure that any kind of phishing attack can be prevented both at the internal and external level; which gets us to the conclusion that anti-phishing solutions are a must in every company or individual’s modus operandi.

Madhurendra is a passionate cybersecurity enthusiast with a strong interest in protecting the digital world from cyber threats. He has always been fascinated by technology and how it can be leveraged to improve our lives, but he also recognizes the potential dangers that come with increased connectivity and dependence on technology.

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