Olympics – Let the security round begin!

Olympics let the security round begin!

With the Olympics rolling into its third week, victory seems to be lining up for beloved Olympians from fencing to hockey, looks like success has been paving its way and is making sure to not leave any stone unturned. Having said that, as much as we all love to see and vouch for our favorites. Phishers seem to be equally interested in it.

With warning alarms lingering on the front door Japan is on the verge to strike back with more than 220 trained “ethical hackers” in hopes to create a more cyber-secure Tokyo 2021. The reason being the FBI report that clearly stated – Olympics could be targeted by any number of possible attacks, including distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, ransomware, social engineering, phishing campaigns, or insider threats.


The need to set out alarming warnings comes after Russian hackers targeted the past two Olympic Games, seemingly in retaliation after the International Olympic Committee banned Russian athletes from competing under their nation’s banner after an embarrassing doping examination.

Russian military hackers were doing reconnaissance in anticipation of a potential cyberattack against the Tokyo Olympics before the games were delayed by the pandemic. In any case, there’s no proof up until this point, they continued that work when the games were rescheduled. A huge hack against the Olympics could be a significant hit to one of the main really worldwide occasions since the beginning of the Covid pandemic. However, that additionally clears a method of making it an ideal objective.

Having said that, the Tokyo Summer Olympics may shape up to be what covid-19 PPE and vaccine diplomacy was to 2021: a clear opportunity for nation-states to deploy data missions to malign their enemies, advance their arrangement of administration and shine their picture on the world stage.

The Games of the 32nd Olympiad could demonstrate particularly appealing to dangerous entertainers since because of the COVID-19 pandemic, observers are to a great extent banned from scenes and the occasion will be just seen through communicated or computerized seeing stages.

Click to know more in detail – https://www.techrepublic.com/article/tokyo-2020-olympics-must-be-extra-secure-to-avoid-cyberattacks-and-ransomware/

Adversaries could utilize social designing and phishing efforts in the number one spot up to the occasion to get access or utilize recently acquired admittance to embed malware to upset influenced networks during the occasion. Social designing and phishing efforts keep on furnishing enemies with the entrance expected to do such assaults.

Notwithstanding, for the present, there have been no indications of an assault focusing on the famous game. The FBI to date doesn’t know about a particular digital danger against these Olympics, however urges accomplices to stay careful and keep up with best practices in their organization and computerized climate.

So, to say keep an eye out seems like an appropriate solution. But as these mega-events become further digitized, event organizers and sports officials must become even more concerned about cyber threats looming over the games. Here are some ways that can become in handy:

  • The best offense is a good defense:
    Cyber threats come from actors across the world. To demystify the tactics and agendas of rogue adversaries, Olympic Host Committees must recruit cultural anthropologists, linguistics experts and behavioral specialists to help analysts and engineers interpret intentions, identify patterns and effectively counter cyberattacks. This is called an Intelligence Driven Defense.
  • Advanced technology and intelligence:
    Machine learning techniques and advanced data analytics can help collect, collate, sift, analyze and share vast amounts of information being collected by various sensors. The ability to quickly analyze, adapt, and respond to threats at tactical speeds can mean the difference between success and failure.

    Hopefully the Private tech companies, the government and other countries would have probably come together to shape the narrative that Japan’s cybersecurity is indeed advancing. Tokyo 2020 in all regards will be a good stage to showcase this progress.

Like what you’re reading, tap into read similar blogs – https://www.tikaj.com/blog/managing-cyber-threats-through-effective-governance/

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