World’s Biggest data breaches attacks 2016

Data security

No one can deny the high impact of technology and its penetration into everyone’s life with its powerful tools to ease our lives and make the world smaller, but we must not forget that it is a double edged sword.
Cyber security threats are more sophisticated today than in the past, individual privacy and companies’ data centers are becoming increasingly vulnerable for attacks.
Every now and then new ways to thwart massive threats are showing up, but we are still hearing huge losses many companies are facing due to data breaches.
The National Payments Council of India confirmed Oct. 20 that more than 3.2 million debit cards issued by Indian banks may have been compromised. The attack maybe caused by a malware infection on a payment switch provider’s system.
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The Biggest attacks in 2016, So Far

And 2016 so far witnessed some of the high data breaches that caused huge losses around the world:
January 2016, FACC: $54.5 million U.S. dollar were stolen
February 2016, University of Central Folrida: a data breach that affected approximately 63,000 current and former student
February 2016, U.S. Department of Justice: stolen data of 10,000 Department of Homeland Security employees and 20,000 FBI employees
February 2016, Intenral Revenue Service: over 700,000 American taxpayers had their personal information compromised
February 2016, US Berkeley: financial data of 80,000 University of California, Berkeley students, alumni, employees, and school officials was compromised
March 2016, Snapchat: 700 current and former Snapchat employees had their personal information stolen
March 2016, 21st Century Onclogy: 2.2 million patients may have had personal information stolen
March 2016, Verizon Enterprise Solutions: 1.5 million customers information were stolen
March 2016, Tidewater Community College: Current and former employees of (TCC) in Norfolk, Virginia had their personal information stolen in a tax season phishing scam
April 2016, Philippine Commission on Elections : It is believed that the personal information of every single voter in the Philippines — approximately 55 million people — was compromised
May 2016, Linkedin: A 2012 data breach came back to haunt LinkedIn when 117 million email and password combinations stolen that were revealed in 2016
August 2016, Dropbox:  it was revealed that more than 68 million Dropbox users had their usernames and passwords compromised in the 2012 breach
September 2016, Yahoo: In what may be the most expansive data breach of all time, Yahoo announced that a hacker had stolen information from a minimum of 500 million accounts in late 2014
October 2016, Weebly: Over 43 million Weebly users were notified about a data breach that happened in February, but was just discovered in October
Among these major data breaches are many other breaches affecting companies every day of all sizes, with different reasons leading to those attacks including employees’ behavior, vulnerable systems targeted by malware and viruses, and others.

Data Breach Defense and Prevention Solutions

With the ever-increasing number of data breaches and increased cyber security threats, data breach defense and prevention solutions have advanced accordingly, offering a more proactive approach to security to ensure the safety of sensitive information.
TIKAJ offers number of advanced tools to prevent and protect companies.

  1. An awareness portal to fill the gap of low infosec awareness levels among employees and customers that provides a role-based content and testing platform solving the purpose of ongoing training and updating the users about current policies and the latest trends of information security.
  2. Every company should run Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration testing to evaluate and highlight the vulnerabilities in its systems.
  3. Would you like to test how your employees react on an attack? assess, train, and test employee vigilance across your enterprise.

As pointed out in this article, data breach is becoming a major threat to every business and every person, and ensuring the security of a data and considering all kinds of prevention actions is becoming essential and should be evolving to meet the new rising threats.

Deeksha is a seasoned cybersecurity expert, dedicated to defending the digital domain from cyber threats. With a strong grasp of technology's dual-edged nature, she excels in threat detection, risk mitigation, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Her proactive approach and unwavering commitment make her a reliable guardian in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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